Gadgetron summer school 2020 News : recordings of the course available on YouTube
The first recordings have been posted on YouTube on a dedicated channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMmRhQOw8p0F0h3stwL26eQ. News : Undelivered Mail Returned to SenderSome email addresses cannot be reached (...@gmial.cpm), we try to correct them, but some of them are more difficult to guess. For other, it might also be a security rule from your mail server. If you haven't receive the instruction by email or the slack invitation within a few day. Please contact us. News : Instructions for the lectures and hands-on sessions
News : GadgetronOnlineClass RegistrationPlease follow the registration link or go to MYSPACE/Register. Registration is free. We will use the platform dedicated to the initial Summer School for the registration process and email communication. Otherwise please refer to the GitHub repository GadgetronOnlineClass. Thanks for your comprehension. News : COVID-19 -> Gadgetron Online Class : https://github.com/gadgetron/GadgetronOnlineClass
As a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the University of Bordeaux announces the postponement of the 2020 edition of the Bordeaux Summer Schools until 2021. The current situation means that the program cannot be organized while respecting the health and safety of its participants, nor can it propose a high-quality educational environment, as initially promised. We are currently converting the summer school program into an online teaching program over June 2020. Information will be posted on this Github repository GadgetronOnlineClass (https://github.com/gadgetron/GadgetronOnlineClass) Feel free to contact us at gadgetron2020@sciencesconf.org for any question. We thank you for your understanding and hope to see you in Bordeaux in 2021.
We are very excited to announce that the first gadgetron summer school will be held this summer (June 17-19th, 2020) in Bordeaux, France. The precise program will be annonced here in the next months and will cover all these topics in the the first two days (17th-18th). The list of speakers is already available here. The third day (19th) should include in the morning scientific sessions where speakers and participants can present their works. In the afternoon, another coding session should be organized where participants can bring their own dataset, and speakers will help them to use the Gadgetron. Important dates1st of December 2019 pre-registration opening, After completing this Gadgetron course, participants should be able to process, reconstruct, and visualize their own MRI data sets using the Gadgetron. Registration Registration includes all sessions, coffee/tea breaks and lunch for each day. Accommodation is not included. All course materials, including lecture slides, tutorial instructions, and example data sets will be made available after the course (with the exception of some MRI-vendor information that will be shared via your refered clinical scientist). Participants must bring their own laptops, and we will do our best to accommodate them.
The school organised by the LIRYC, CNRS, INSERM and NIH was supported by the France Life Imaging, the University of Bordeaux, and the Labex Trail.
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